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Jewels From Judy

Friday, December 11 2015
A Clarion Call

A Clarion Call: Encouragement from the Father

“Now is the time for clarity. As a bell rings with clear sound, the Body of Christ must make a sound for all to hear. The time for the tuning of instruments, and the cacophony that comes from tuning, must stop. Hear the tapping of the baton, and play My song in harmony. I am issuing a clarion call.

“When a bell rings, summons people for a purpose. It alerts them of the time. The time is now for those I have called to work in harmony with My word. Instead of individual sounds, it is time to make the sound of unity without compromising the truth. What unites you all is Me. I Am love. Love is the common denominator.

“If you refuse to be led of My Spirit, the Spirit of truth, you will not see those things that you have hoped to see. If you are not being led of My Spirit, then you are doing what is right in your own eyes. If you are not studying the Bible by My Spirit, you will be misled. Many teach My word with their own understanding and by what others have taught them. My flock has not adhered to the warning given by John to ‘test the spirits’ to see if they are from Me. You must study yourself approved so you can discern when someone has taught you correctly or mishandled the word of truth. Many are misled because they do not take these warnings in Scripture seriously. False teachings that will cause ‘the love of many to grow cold’ because many will come to realize they have been misled.1

“Too much time has been spent teaching speculation and theories as fact. Theories are not fact and they produce fruitless arguments. Jesus’ coming has been the center of discussion when He made it clear that neither He nor the angels knew the day or hour of His return, but only the Father. So, how is it many are led away by those pretending to know? Jesus gave instruct for God’s people to be found doing what He told them to do, not arguing about His return.2

“Jesus taught a parable about tares and wheat growing together. He said that the tares (the sons of the evil one) would be gathered first and destroyed by fire. He explained the wheat (the sons of the kingdom) would then be gathered after that.3 Jesus also said about His coming that it would be just as it was in the days of Noah. What does My word say in Genesis? How was it in those days? Who was taken and who remained? It is so simple, a child can understand it. It is clearly written and understood that Noah remained, he was left on the earth, and the wicked were removed. Yet thousands of people use these very verses to believe the opposite is going to happen.4 These types of controversial teachings create distractions and confusion. They do not reveal the truth, but muffle and distort it. Because of this, people do not understand truth from fiction. The gospel of My kingdom must first be preached throughout the world as a witness to the nations. This is what the Church is to be doing.

“My Bell rings the sound of liberty; it is the sound of freedom. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Freedom in Me is what you are to clearly proclaim. I’ve called you to proclaim liberty to the captives.5 Do not call conspiracy what others call conspiracy.6 Don’t waste time on controversies that draw your attention from My will. Walk in My LOVE and LIGHT.7 This is what people need to see. They need to see HOPE. They need see JOY. If all they see is arguing, they live and die in the world’s system. Ring out My truth and call My children home!”

It is my prayer you will study these Scriptures with this exhortation:

1. Matthew 24:4, 10-12; 36-39; John 14:26-29; 16:13-15; Romans 8:12-17; Second Timothy 2:14-26; First John 4:1; 7-18

2. Matthew 24:46; Mark 13:32; Luke 12:38-40

3. Matthew 13:24-40

4. Genesis 7:7, 23; Matthew 24:29-31

5. Isaiah 61:1; John 8:36; Galatians 5:1

6. Isaiah 8:12-13

7. Ephesians 5:1-16

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:06 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
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