Jewels From JudySaturday, February 25 2006
The Lord's Orchestra The Lord showed me an orchestra. All the players were warming up and fine tuning their instruments. It was a loud and cacophonous uproar. While anticipation and excitement filled the air, the clamor was over-whelming. Finally all the musicians in the orchestra had their instrument in tune. They stopped everything they were doing and gave the conductor their full attention. He raised his baton and they began to play in beautiful harmony as he led them. It was beautiful. The Lord revealed that the orchestra is His prophets. In times past we have each gone through the process to fine tune our ears to hear His voice. We have learned that we have to engage all our senses to hear the Holy Spirit. We have spent time practicing and tuning our 'instruments'. Sometimes it has been clamorous. In times past many voices often sounded like they were all saying different things, but we have come into a new season. This is a season of harmony. In this season if something is out of tune, it will be much easier to discern. Let us proclaim with one voice, by One Spirit, the heart of the Father. May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is time for Jesus' prayer in John 17 to be conducted. It is time to play the same song together in the same key, rhythm, and pitch, on tempo, and in harmony. It is a time for synchronization to be realized in the prophetic. It is a time for our voices to become one in Christ. It is time to come under Godly authority and allow His leadership to orchestrate the song of the Lord. Let us "Be still and know that He is God." Please see Ephesians 2:18-22 Since I know very little about an orchestra I looked up some terms and found these interesting: Conductor - One who directs a group of performers. The conductor indicates the tempo, phrasing, dynamics, and style by gestures and facial expressions. Temperament - Refers to the tuning of an instrument. Cadence - A sequence of chords that brings an end to a phrase, either in the middle or the end of a composition. Deceptive cadence - A chord progression that seems to lead to resolving itself on the final chord; but does not. Dissonance - Harsh, discordant, and lack of harmony. Also a chord that sounds incomplete until it resolves itself on a harmonious chord. Harmony - Pleasing combination of two or three tones played together in the background while a melody is being played. Harmony also refers to the study of chord progressions. Hymn - A song of praise and glorification. Most often to honor God. |