Jewels From JudyMonday, May 19 2008
An Exhortation From The Heart Of Father To Yours: The Earth Groans Many in My church have come to Me asking what is happening in the earth. Some preach that the earth groans for the return of Jesus, but that is not what My Word tells you. Do you believe man's word over My Holy Scriptures? Be as those of Berea who searched the scriptures to see if what Paul taught them were true. It is said they were more noble and fair-minded in character because they sought out the truth. Search out the matter! You ask Me what is going on and I will tell you plainly. The earth is groaning for you to rise up and be who you are in Me. The earth is groaning for you, Dearest, to walk into the fullness to which you have been called. As it is written: Romans 8:19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons* of God to be revealed. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Have I not told you and have I not explained all of this is to come before My return? Beloved, do not become confused or alarmed in your minds as to what is happening around you. The earth is travailing. It is in labor; it is birthing. The fierce storms, violent earthquakes, sudden tsunamis and changes in weather are to be expected, as are signs in the sky. My children must learn to rise up and walk in My power. Creation eagerly expects My children to be revealed and made manifest. So rise up and be who you are in Me. Seek first the kingdom of heaven and everything you need will be given to you. Fear not, Little Flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Allow My glory to be seen around you - to be made manifest through you. As the earth travails and gross darkness settles on the people, My light in you will shine ever brighter. This is what the world longs to see - My manifested glory. Arise, shine and be the miracle someone needs. They will see My glory appear over you. The earth is groaning even now for you to rise up and walk in the power and the authority Jesus died to give you. My Holy Spirit will lead you if you will listen to My promptings. Walk into My fullness by the leading of My Spirit. Even as the earth travails, walk in My power and My peace. Jesus was given authority to calm the storm and so have you. Scriptures: *#5207 Sons= Greek - Huios Those who revere God as their Father |