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Jewels From Judy

Thursday, March 18 2010

His Train Fills The Temple, A Vision During Worship

While attending the annual Secret Place Encounter in February of this year, I saw the most exquisite scene unfold during praise and worship.  The praise team was singing a couple of songs I did not know, but the congregation was completely engaged in worship.  It was a wonderful time of joy, but I was in for a very big surprise from the Lord.  He allowed me to see from His Throne of Grace when we come before Him, and it is my hope and prayer to bless you with this testimony. Because this is an ongoing scene taking place before the Lord, it is written in present tense.

His Train Fills the Temple

We are singing a song called, Alabaster Box, and the words are:

It's my fragrant oil
It's my costly perfume
Take my alabaster box - break it open
Let the fragrance arise

Suddenly, I see the Lord Jesus seated on His throne watching the dancers as they worship in spirit and truth.  I am surprised and humbled to see I am seated by His side.  The Lord lets me know I am there as a witness and scribe, but also as one beloved. 

Jesus watches those who worship Him willingly and without reservation with eyes of love, compassion and joy.  He watches them with delight for a long time, but then He can take it no longer!  He rises up, steps down onto the floor, and joins one worshiper in dance.  The dance is elegant, graceful and lovely like ballroom dancing. He then dances serendipitously through the worshippers.  

As the Lord weaves Himself through His people, He takes His time to love and minister to each one.  He is not in a hurry with anyone. Some continue in the spirit of the dance as Jesus moves to the next person; others weep and fall to their knees.  There are only tears of joy; there is no sorrow, no shame, no condemnation, nor tears of pain.  A gentle wind blows through the great hall and some swoon to its touch.  All the worshippers then fall on their knees and sway to and fro like wheat blowing in the wind.  They are so beautiful as they worship their King.

We begin to sing another song and its words are:

I see Your face
You're beautiful, You're beautiful!
I see Your face
You're beautiful, You're beautiful!

The Lord slowly makes His way back to His Throne, turns and gracefully sits down.  This is the first time I see His train. (See Isaiah 6:1).  I had not seen this before when Jesus walked through the worshippers and danced with them.  But as He returned to His seat my eyes were opened to see that as He danced with each worshipper, He was wrapping His train around everyone He touched!  I looked out over the great hall and saw the worshippers basking in His train which surrounds them like a warm blanket.  It cleanses them, covers them, comforts them, warms them and blesses them in ways they could never imagine.  They are literally being cuddled in His train.

The Beloved looks at the joy and peace on each face and He looks so content and full of love for them.  I sit as one who records this joy of His as we come before Him worshipping in spirit and in truth.

About 40 minutes went by as we continued in song when I realized I was now seeing this vision from the perspective of the worshippers.  I weep with great joy before my King!  I feel the warmth and comfort of His train as it surrounds me.  His love is wrapped up in it somehow.  It is overwhelming.  I am overwhelmed with love for the Lord Jesus.  I am warm and comfortable and SAFE!  At this point I have such a deep revelation of my being safewith Him and begin to declare my joy at being safe - truly safe in Jesus.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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